TM14 Palace of the Vampire Queen: Crimson Chambers

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Crimson Chambers is an adventure module is designed for use with the original D&D Basic/Expert set as well as the BX RPG and is completely compatible with many old school D&D game systems including Old School Essentials, Labyrinth Lord, and others. The scenario is best played with six to eight first to second level characters. No particular class is required, but at least two fighter types and one cleric are recommended

Crimson Chambers of the Vampire Queen is a redesign of the first level of the iconic Palace of the Vampire Queen adventure module by Wee Warriors; it was the first adventure module produced for Dungeons & Dragons. This tournament version that was run at the 2022 Long Con Game Convention held in Longview, Texas.

This adventure details the first underground level of the Palace of the Vampire Queen. The entire underground “palace” is comprised of five levels - each is distinct and progressively more dangerous to intruders. The Vampire Queen allows a certain degree of autonomy on each of the upper four levels as she relishes watching her underlings vie for her attention.

The first level is perhaps the most loosely organized section of the palace. There are numerous factions, most are uninvited, but tolerated so long as the queen is amused by the mechanizations of the would-be followers. The queen rarely intervenes in the day-to-day activities of the first level and she has forbidden the dwellers of the lower levels to “disturb” the much weaker devotees. However, the queen has, on occasion, meddled in the affairs of those who have claimed residence on the first level. The Vampire Queen is a manipulator and she often takes the opportunity create a havoc or turmoil among her varied followers.

This level of the palace is very active with numerous creatures that have formed alliances and feuds with their neighbors. The inhabitants are accustomed to new “visitors” as the power of the queen has created cults throughout the Misty Isles. The PCs are not be attacked outright unless they trespass - which is very likely. Most of the denizens are very wary of newcomers and they avoid affiliation in the short term.

Unless specifically described otherwise, most of the occupied chambers and all of the main halls are illuminated by lanterns. The lanterns are fueled by a magical oil produced on the lower levels of the palace and each lantern burns for 30 days until requiring refueling.

Why are the PCs here? What is their motivation? The answer to each of those questions can be found in module V5 PotVQ: Castle Blood. But in short, the PCs are most likely invading the palace to put an end to the Vampire Queen’s reign of terror. But the road to that goal is long and dangerous. The PCs must to explore the palace and discover the secrets of the queen, gain magical devices to aid them in their quest, and they must grow in power if they hope to confront the Vampire Queen and her minions!