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Pacesetter Games & Simulations

GX0.5 Warrendome

GX0.5 Warrendome

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Warrendome is our first playtest adventure the upcoming Gamma X RPG.
The description below is from the event playtest. This beta test adventure module is the first part of the Warrendome adventure and includes the playtest characters in PDF form. The physical book is a comb-bound product.  
Game Title: WarrenDome
Game System: Gamma X (Gamma World 8thEdition)
Number of Players: Eight
Pregens/Level of Characters: 1stLevel; Provided
World Setting: Wylde
Time Needed: 4.5 Hours; ends 30 minutes prior to Satan’s Midnight Auction
Sessions: Saturday, 7 p.m.

Short Description: Introductory scenario for Pacesetter Games’ Gamma X RPG.
Something has called you to adventure. You are an oddity in a world filled with danger and mystery. Most are quite content living in their walled villages. In all recorded history, only the Shaman and the Gold Legion venture abroad. It was the rumor that the village of Pensola was in need that brought you from your home, only a days walk distant. You have met several others who cannot the resist the Calling. The Elder has summoned you and your newfound friends; something is happening to other nearby villages. Only on the rarest occasion have any encountered the hopyr, a race of seven foot tall rabbits with high intelligence and dangerous disposition. Even worse, the hopyr dare to use Artifacts! Now, the hopyr are attacking villages and any who stray too far into the Wylde. You must search out the hopyr menace and discover what you can.

NOTE: Limited edition version that include 100 numbered copies. 

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